How Car Dealers Operate

  1. 1. Dealerships purchase the cars from the manufacturers via an instrument called _______ financing
  2. 6. If the business doesn't grow it ________
  3. 8. ______ satisfaction surveys provide very useful feedback
  4. 9. A significant number of car dealers actually ___ money on new car sales
  5. 11. Car dealers order their ______ based on their reading of the marketplace
  6. 13. ___ cars don't play as big a role anymore
  1. 2. Profits as a _______ of new car sales were much greater than they are now
  2. 3. Are a huge part of the lives of most Americas
  3. 4. as manufacturers roll out more new models every year, the industry becomes more _______
  4. 5. Chief economist of the NADA
  5. 7. An ongoing issue dealers and dealer groups face has been a relatively high rate of employee __________
  6. 10. trade-ins on a used car upgrade account for about____ percent of used cars in the franchised dealerships lot
  7. 12. stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer