How do you spell that

  1. 1. branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy
  2. 3. You need rhythm for this class
  3. 7. the business of providing hotels, sightseeing spots ect.
  4. 10. branch of math
  5. 11. a branch of science
  6. 14. physical features of the earth
  7. 16. another language
  8. 17. promoting and selling products
  9. 18. scientific study of the human mind
  10. 19. a language
  11. 20. keeping records and information about money
  1. 2. to do with computers
  2. 4. branch of math using letters to represent numbers
  3. 5. study of the human body
  4. 6. a branch of math to do with angles
  5. 8. study about your beliefs
  6. 9. events from the past
  7. 12. what is morally right and wrong for business
  8. 13. study about the financial well being of a country
  9. 15. studying methods for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting data