Children and Young Athletes

  1. 1. Children should avoid exercise in these conditions.
  2. 3. Children do not have the same ability to lose heat through this mechanism at the same rate as adults.
  3. 4. Basic exercises, appropriate for children which use body weight for resistance.
  4. 8. Asthmatics should avoid these.
  5. 9. A common medication used for Asthma.
  6. 10. The number of puffs of a reliever inhaler and time between repeating medication again.
  7. 11. A common syndrome which affects the knee of teenagers.
  8. 16. High blood glucose.
  9. 17. A sign and symptom of an Asthma attack.
  10. 19. Should used as a strategy to reduce the risk of an Asthma attack.
  11. 22. Refers to the maintenance of a stable internal temperature independent of the temperature of the environment.
  12. 24. A seizure with muscular spasms and convulsions.
  1. 2. With a epileptic seizure never (8) the suffer.
  2. 3. EIA
  3. 5. Resistance with high repetitions through the full range of movement is a safe and appropriate form of resistance training for young athletes.
  4. 6. Children should have these days to avoid overuse injuries.
  5. 7. Injuries from repetitive actions which place too much stress on the bones and muscles.
  6. 12. Is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin.
  7. 13. Low blood glucose.
  8. 14. Over 2 million Australians have this medical condition, with 1 in 6 children suffering from this condition.
  9. 15. Resistance programs for children and young athletes should focus upon (9).
  10. 18. This exercise is preferred form for Asthmatics.
  11. 20. In most cases, sports are safe for children with epilepsy if they are closely (10).
  12. 21. is a condition of recurring seizures due to a disturbance of the electrochemical activity in the brain.
  13. 23. Is of considerable assistance in managing diabetes.