How Much Do You Know About Diabetes?

  1. 3. Those with Type I diabetes typically are diagnosed during ________
  2. 5. A population disproportionately affected by Type II diabetes
  3. 6. A phenomenon that happens when cells no longer respond to insulin
  4. 7. A device used to measure blood sugar levels
  5. 9. The term used for those who have elevated blood sugar, but do not have diabetes yet
  6. 10. This hormone is secreted by the pancreas and lowers blood sugar
  1. 1. The type of sugar your cells use as energy
  2. 2. This hormone raises blood sugar levels during periods of fasting
  3. 4. The type of diabetes a woman may develop during pregnancy
  4. 8. Doing this can lower your chances of Type II diabetes by 58%
  5. 9. The organ located behind the stomach that secretes insulin and glucagon