How much do you know about today's R&D?

  1. 1. Useless and of no value, but medicinal if you want
  2. 3. Scissors to edit genes, makes sounds
  3. 4. They get to taste all the food and health supplements first
  4. 9. Treat data equally without favouritism or discrimination
  5. 10. This is revolutionizing R&D more than COVID is
  6. 11. The blue octopus which gave us modern pharmacology
  7. 12. What you must comply with before sending away
  1. 2. What drives scientists
  2. 5. Protein that binds to the body's foreign invaders
  3. 6. Give someone the authority to record chromatography data
  4. 7. Not the tribulations in life, but an useful scientific study
  5. 8. Company to achieve first authorization for a COVID vaccine