
  1. 1. baby root in the seed is called ______________
  2. 4. bees transfers _____________ flower to flower
  3. 6. to do with pollen that the bees help with
  4. 7. world ________________ of the oxygen is provided by amazon rain forest
  5. 10. jack pine seed get dispersed through _____________
  6. 13. needs water to turn into food
  7. 14. root which system forms a dense network of roots that is closer to the soil surface
  8. 16. I am the part of the plant that needs that
  9. 18. the most beautiful part of the part
  1. 2. The green coloring in plants which is needed to make food
  2. 3. outer covering of a seed is called ___________
  3. 4. the process in which plant make food
  4. 5. tiny substance found in the soil and water that plants need to grow
  5. 8. the skin of the tree
  6. 9. helps the plant make food and it also gives minerals
  7. 10. corn, rice, wheat, barley, sorghum, millet, oats are_______________ roots
  8. 11. tulsi is a ______________
  9. 12. a dried seed which squirrels like
  10. 15. climber have ______________ stem
  11. 17. this holds up the plant to the soil