How to be an Elephant

  1. 2. A newborn elephant weighs around 220 ______.
  2. 3. Elephants often _______ hundreds of miles each year to find enough food to feed the herd.
  3. 6. A baby elephant is called a ___.
  4. 9. Moisture in this wrinkly part of the elephant is another way they stay cool.
  5. 11. This part of an elephant is used as a shower, shovel, snorkel, fingers, and more!
  6. 12. Adult elephants eat 300 or more pounds of ____ a day!
  7. 13. Elephants must do this for 12-18 hours a day to get enough to eat.
  8. 14. It takes 22 ______ of of growing before a baby elephant is born.
  9. 16. An elephant's diet includes _____, leaves, and bark.
  10. 17. An elephant's body temperature stays around 97 _______ even on the hottest days.
  11. 19. The elephant herd is made up of sisters, cousins, and this parent.
  1. 1. Adult elephants can reach speeds of up to 24 miles per ____.
  2. 4. Elephants drink 20-40 ______ of water a day as adults.
  3. 5. Dirt is a natural sunblock that also repels parasites like mosquitoes and ______ from elephant skin.
  4. 7. Elephants must rely heavily on their sense of smell because they have poor ______.
  5. 8. Newborn elephants can stand on their feet right away because they are targets for ________.
  6. 10. The ___ elephants leave the herd at adolescence.
  7. 14. What the eldest female in a herd is called.
  8. 15. Elephant skeletons are made up of _______ bone tissue that allows them to bear heavy loads.
  9. 18. An African elephant will fan these to keep cool.
  10. 20. Around age 3 elephants begin to develop these "modified teeth."