How to Find Library Things

  1. 2. Time you can check out books that's not during encore. Open ___
  2. 5. Dog Man author
  3. 8. My dogs are named after Harry ________ characters.
  4. 9. How many books can you check out?
  5. 10. Online place where we learn a lot
  6. 11. Color of the tissue box you are allowed to use
  7. 13. Who else helps in the library? Ms.
  1. 1. Big 3 that goes with our chair expectations
  2. 3. Mrs. S' last name
  3. 4. Most students have assigned tables not _____.
  4. 5. Popular book section. Top ______
  5. 6. Who wrote the Harry Potter books? J.K. ___________.
  6. 7. Door we leave out of
  7. 12. Three letters on the side of all chapter books