how we are killing our oceans

  1. 6. Increases in c02 levels and sea level rising are a direct result of …….
  2. 10. How many billion tons of c02 has the ocean absorbed ?
  3. 11. What was the second hottest year on record?
  4. 12. Coastal counties provide ….. in profit for the economy
  5. 13. Increasing temperatures blank glaciers and increase sea level
  6. 15. decrease in coral reefs also leads to a decrease in ….
  7. 16. farming seaweed can improve water …..
  8. 20. How many ocean animals are affected by changing ocean temperatures
  1. 1. High ocean temperatures can also increase/decrease ……
  2. 2. What percentage of tourism does ocean revenue generate ?
  3. 3. The ocean makes up what percentage of our planet?
  4. 4. what gas is increasing in the atmosphere?
  5. 5. Oceans coral reef percentages have dropped by …. Percent
  6. 7. High ocean temperatures are affecting animals ……. Patterns
  7. 8. What percentage of c02 in the atmosphere does the ocean absorb ?
  8. 9. The ocean and climate change are ……
  9. 14. what important species is ocean acidification hurting the most?
  10. 17. the ocean is slowly becoming?
  11. 18. what is increasing c02 emissions?
  12. 19. water acidity can even affect animal ?