How well do you know Como Pt2

  1. 2. how many children Ms Bowden has
  2. 4. the name of the school nurse
  3. 7. The quietest student in year 12 Chemistry
  4. 8. Mr Sahely's favourite colour
  5. 10. ihvtriofghetrdf
  6. 14. nv4teod refd
  7. 17. gijtp;ef
  8. 20. AN OIL RIG ____
  9. 21. The decade the school was founded
  10. 22. Dj's in his spare time
  11. 23. htroguetroid
  12. 24. The colour of stripes on Mr Sahely's school uniform
  13. 26. vjr wenvgnjr y 5tvc r3 t f f gt g r r tgt
  14. 27. uoertougrho
  15. 28. Mr Mercer's first name
  16. 29. has a sister in year 11 chemistry
  17. 30. Ms Gerrard's maiden name
  18. 31. gfiptrgifhtboh
  1. 1. dewcverft5cre
  2. 3. The student with the 'highest'attendance for Chemistry
  3. 5. Mr Laycock's car model
  4. 6. t4jt54rjvi4trervnu
  5. 9. the car brand that Ms Horner currently drives
  6. 11. joitghteior
  7. 12. ijgtiorjrt
  8. 13. Whose parent went to the bathroom during Mr Mercers speech
  9. 15. The colour Mr Sahely dyed his hear in year 12
  10. 16. Mr Nicoletti's nickname
  11. 18. yu34ejracvw4ui5rty
  12. 19. this is what Mr Sahely likes to collect
  13. 21. Neatest handwriting in year 12 Chemistry
  14. 25. Ms Carruther's first name
  15. 30. Arich's correct name