- 4. Peter's birthday month.
- 5. Peter's tool brand.
- 7. Where did Laura move overseas to teach?
- 9. Peter's favourite sport to play.
- 11. A TV series they watch repeatedly.
- 12. Peter's middle name.
- 14. Where did they go for their first date?
- 16. Their cat is ___ years old.
- 17. This year, how many years have they been together?
- 18. Laura's sister's name.
- 21. The city where they first moved in together.
- 22. Laura's eye colour.
- 24. Which warm country did Laura live in from 2014-2015?
- 25. Who is more strict with the pets?
- 26. Laura's favourite pizza topping.
- 27. The name of their cat.
- 28. Where Peter's Dad was born.
- 29. One of Laura's favourite hobbies.
- 30. Which university did Laura go to?
- 31. Laura's favourite flower.
- 1. How did Laura & Peter meet?
- 2. Number of years Peter went to school.
- 3. Peter's favourite pizza topping.
- 6. Laura's middle name.
- 7. Peter's job title.
- 8. In which month did they start dating?
- 10. Their dog is ___ years old.
- 12. Peter's favourite colour.
- 13. What is their cat's breed?
- 15. Laura's birthday month.
- 19. One of Peter's favourite hobbies.
- 20. Where is their dog from?
- 23. Model of Peter's truck.
- 27. The name of their dog.