How Well Do You Know Me?

  1. 4. What is my 3rd fav animal?
  2. 6. My 2nd fav animal.
  3. 9. What is my fav anime?
  4. 13. I get teared down by _______.
  5. 17. What country am I born in?
  6. 18. If my birthday is May 16th, what season was I born in?
  7. 19. I have many _____________.
  8. 21. What is my name?
  1. 1. My fishes' names are Frankie, Blue and _____.
  2. 2. I always want to see people _____.
  3. 3. My 3rd fav animal.
  4. 5. What is my 2nd fav anime?
  5. 7. My fav colour is ______.
  6. 8. My fav animal is a ___.
  7. 10. What city was I born in?
  8. 11. What is one of my hobbies?
  9. 12. I like _______ people.
  10. 14. On social media/s what do I like to be called?
  11. 15. My second fav app.
  12. 16. What do I love watching?
  13. 20. Look beyond the _____.