How well do you know me?

  1. 1. my favorite subject
  2. 5. where i was born
  3. 6. my favorite season
  4. 11. where i live
  5. 14. My 6th hour
  6. 15. the instrument i used to play
  7. 17. my favorite song artist
  8. 21. zodiac sign
  9. 23. which teacher am i the favorite of
  10. 24. my favorite music genre
  11. 26. allergy #1
  12. 27. my birth month
  13. 28. my favorite candy
  14. 29. My 1st hour
  15. 32. my second favorite color
  16. 35. my favorite sport
  17. 36. the best Harry Potter book
  18. 37. my least favorite color
  19. 39. the language im taking
  20. 41. my age
  21. 42. My 3rd hour
  22. 44. my favorite song
  23. 46. my favorite color
  24. 50. my favorite musical
  25. 51. my least favorite subject
  26. 52. my only cousins name
  27. 54. one of my medical disorders
  28. 55. my dream job
  29. 56. allergy #2
  1. 2. my favorite book
  2. 3. who likes me
  3. 4. My 4th hour
  4. 7. my celebrity crush
  5. 8. my favorite movie
  6. 9. my eye color
  7. 10. what sport did i play in elementary school?
  8. 12. amount of siblings
  9. 13. my Harry Potter house
  10. 16. my shoe size
  11. 18. another one of my medical disorders
  12. 19. my favorite TV show
  13. 20. the guy i like
  14. 22. my middle name
  15. 25. my favorite board game
  16. 30. my biggest fear
  17. 31. My 2nd hour
  18. 33. my elementary school
  19. 34. my moms name
  20. 38. the person i hate
  21. 40. My 5th hour
  22. 43. my favorite soda
  23. 45. My 7th hour
  24. 47. my third favorite color
  25. 48. my dogs name
  26. 49. my favorite animal
  27. 53. my height