How well do you know me

  1. 3. Favourite fruit
  2. 4. what is my dream destination
  3. 7. My favourite food
  4. 10. What’s my grandmas name
  5. 13. My favourite movie
  6. 15. Name of my first school
  7. 16. What does my mum call me
  8. 18. how many first cousins do I have
  9. 19. what is my car registration
  10. 20. what is my favourite dessert
  11. 23. what scares me most
  12. 25. favourite flower
  1. 1. My eye colour
  2. 2. My favourite song
  3. 5. My zodiac sign
  4. 6. What did I want to be when I was young
  5. 8. Something I need to quit
  6. 9. My favourite colour
  7. 11. Something I hate
  8. 12. Where I was born
  9. 14. Dream wedding
  10. 17. what I can’t live without
  11. 21. my boys name
  12. 22. what is my comfort food
  13. 24. what is my go to deodorant brand