How well do you know our political prisoners?

  1. 3. She defended herself during the New York Panther 21 case
  2. 6. These nine burned draft files in Maryland to protest the Vietnam War
  3. 8. This liberation army armed Patty
  4. 10. Maroon: The _____
  5. 13. Resistance _____ Case
  6. 14. _____ Five, Canadian radicals captured in 1983
  7. 17. This Black warrior's first name translates to "born on Sunday"
  8. 18. All Cats Are Beautiful
  9. 19. You can resist this legal imposition, but you may be imprisoned
  1. 1. Look for me in the _____
  2. 2. This radical was killed following the Attica prison uprising
  3. 4. He started Men Against Sexism at Walla Walla
  4. 5. His life is his Sun Dance
  5. 7. A support network started by Jalil Muntaqim
  6. 9. Straight ahead, like _____ said
  7. 11. Republic of New _____
  8. 12. She died soon after being released in 2010
  9. 13. The coolest calendar ever!
  10. 15. Wrote Live From Death Row
  11. 16. After her escape, defenders of this BLA warrior posted signs reading "_____ is welcome here"