How well do you know the Bride and Groom?

  1. 2. Invertebrates in their aquarium
  2. 5. Groom's bachelor party location
  3. 7. City they live in
  4. 9. The loudest pet
  5. 10. Groom's preferred gaming system
  6. 11. the way they met
  7. 15. Location of first date
  8. 16. Honeymoon destination
  1. 1. Bride's instrument of choice
  2. 3. Bride's favorite color
  3. 4. The biggest pet
  4. 6. Bride's favorite food
  5. 8. Branch of military groom served in
  6. 12. Bride and groom's Hogwarts' House
  7. 13. The fluffiest pet
  8. 14. Bride's ethnicity