- 4. Name of Garrett's old Maxima
- 5. Ali's first girl crush
- 6. Garrett's least favorite food
- 10. Stormy's breed
- 11. First apartment complex lived in together
- 13. Number of states traveled to together
- 17. Ali's favorite PT population to treat
- 18. Couple's favorite fast food restaurant
- 19. Garrett's high school football number
- 20. Month couple started dating
- 1. First movie couple watched together
- 2. Ali's college basketball number
- 3. Couple's favorite ice cream brand
- 7. Location couple got engaged
- 8. Ali's number of siblings
- 9. Garrett's favorite drink
- 12. First halloween couple's costume (TV show)
- 14. Ali's Tik Tok handle
- 15. Couple's clinical site together
- 16. Garrett's tattoo