How Well Do you Know the Couple

  1. 2. class couple met in
  2. 3. groom's hobby
  3. 6. Bride brews this
  4. 10. Bride's birth month
  5. 11. bride's nickname for groom
  6. 12. couple's favourite korean restaurant
  7. 14. Month groom proposed
  8. 15. last concert couple attended
  9. 16. highschool couple attended
  10. 17. bride's favourite form of exercise
  1. 1. Bride dressed as this last Halloween
  2. 2. Bride's favourite winter sport
  3. 4. groom's red seal
  4. 5. couple's favourite cook
  5. 7. couple's favourite tv show
  6. 8. Groom's birth month
  7. 9. wedding month
  8. 13. city couple lives in