How well do you know the Lopez's?!

  1. 1. Company Vince works for
  2. 5. City of the wedding
  3. 6. Vince's sister's name
  4. 9. Vince's preferred mode of transportation
  5. 10. State the couple met in
  6. 15. Length of stay in Hawaii for bride and groom
  7. 16. Hawaii's State Capitol
  8. 17. Vince's Dad's name
  9. 19. City Hilary was born in
  10. 20. Number of Flower Girls
  1. 2. Hilary's favorite color
  2. 3. Vince's favorite food item
  3. 4. Vince's birth month
  4. 7. Hawaii's State Flower
  5. 8. Hilary's age at the wedding
  6. 11. Month of the wedding
  7. 12. City the couple departs from for the wedding
  8. 13. State Vince is from
  9. 14. Person who introduced the love birds
  10. 18. Date of the wedding