How well do you know the narcissistic Benjamin?

  1. 2. i believe i can
  2. 5. best number
  3. 7. best harry potter book
  4. 8. middle name
  5. 10. volleyball position
  6. 11. correct spelling of more
  7. 13. best tv show of all time
  8. 14. favorite color
  9. 15. best website
  10. 17. the alternate alphabet i know
  11. 20. street i live on
  12. 23. fixes all injuries
  13. 26. favorite animal
  14. 27. best harry potter movie
  1. 1. chocolate ________
  2. 2. my mixtape is
  3. 3. pc ma________
  4. 4. best minecraft youtuber
  5. 6. alternate identity
  6. 9. not the blue people
  7. 12. username for everything
  8. 16. best hiphop artist
  9. 17. only thing i can cook
  10. 18. ideal superpower
  11. 19. favorite marvel character
  12. 21. correct spelling of stop
  13. 22. brand of phone
  14. 24. childhood imaginary friend
  15. 25. the twenty fouth letter in this sentance repeated 5 times