How Well Do You Know The Newly-weds?

  1. 4. his middle name
  2. 5. they're both born this month
  3. 8. where they first met
  4. 9. their favorite show to watch together
  5. 11. kind of pet we have
  6. 12. where she grew up
  7. 13. his favorite band
  8. 15. somewhere they want to travel
  9. 17. his hobby
  10. 19. favorite food
  11. 20. first date; famous pizza place
  1. 1. pet's name
  2. 2. his favorite disney movie
  3. 3. her favorite musician
  4. 6. her middle name
  5. 7. her favorite disney movie
  6. 9. their favorite horror movie
  7. 10. favorite holiday; started dating
  8. 14. where he grew up
  9. 16. shared (sort of) hobby
  10. 18. her hobby