How Well Do You Know Us

  1. 3. our anniversary month
  2. 5. my favorite pokemon
  3. 8. my favorite star wars character
  4. 9. my favorite store
  5. 10. your *alleged* favorite food
  6. 12. your birth month
  7. 13. what brand of car you drive
  8. 14. the cosplay costume
  9. 15. what is green, living, and a great source of happiness
  1. 1. my birth month
  2. 2. what we used to do every thursday for lunch
  3. 3. best pokemon character
  4. 4. what you really want in our future house
  5. 5. best thing to get at burger king
  6. 6. your gamer tag
  7. 7. where you work
  8. 11. what disease you have <3