How well do you know your Bible?

  1. 2. ask and it shall be
  2. 5. He wrung water from a fleece
  3. 8. His name means laughter
  4. 9. the city of palm trees
  5. 10. Oh how thou hast fallen
  6. 11. it bites like a serpent, and stings like an adder
  7. 15. Daniel interpreted his dream
  8. 17. the bright and morning star
  9. 19. do not throw your pearls before__
  10. 21. Where you treasure lies?
  11. 22. a long flowing with milk and
  1. 1. goes before destruction
  2. 3. the kinsman redeemer
  3. 4. Am I my brother's
  4. 6. the first hunter
  5. 7. the wisest of all
  6. 12. Abraham's first son
  7. 13. Jacob's father-in-law
  8. 14. his wife was Zipporah
  9. 16. wife of Samuel's father
  10. 18. Abraham's place of birth
  11. 20. the antidote to fear