how well do you know your classmates?

  1. 4. this sophomore doesn’t have to save the money he makes from caddying at Heather’s for college because he’s one of Scott’s Tots and if it all works out his college will be paid for. He’s dabbling with the idea of becoming a chef he has an amazing mac and cheese with bacon recipe he has perfected.
  2. 6. this hardworking junior loves taking long walks outside after school, she’s trying to get her grandmother into KPOP, but she’s not feeling it. Her and her friends like to hang out and watch TEDtalks after school its where they find their motivation to get though the long school days.
  3. 8. this senior is on the road to becoming a pediatrician and she’ll get there really fast as long as there aren’t any parked cars in her way, she might hit one, she attributes the accident to the loud rap music she was playing.
  4. 9. this freshman gets out of his chores and homework assignments by creating a strong well thought out arguments his parents don’t mind because he knows he’s practicing for his career as an attorney. His girlfriend Parisha doesn’t buy it though, she wins every argument they have.
  5. 13. after school this left-handed sophomore likes to workout then come home to relax with his 3 cats, play video games and listen to indie rock. He rewards himself with pizza once a week because the sauce is red and that’s his favorite color
  6. 15. this trustworthy freshman is an aspiring entrepreneur by mowing lawns to keep in shape and sharpen his skills the coach makes him dribble the soccer ball while he mows. He wants to be rich when he gets older so he’s working on his entrepreneurial skills now.
  7. 16. this senior chills hard with her friends, they are kinda like the Gilmore girls except none of the Gilmore girls has ever been kicked in the eye by a horse because she ate all the corn that the horse wanted.
  8. 18. this athletic senior wanted to become a chemist because his favorite show is breaking bad, he doesn’t want to make meth though, so he decided to become and engineer. When he’s not busy doing chores or homework he’s playing the piano or practicing water polo in his pool with his friends his mom puts out snacks for him and his friends but never gives them grapes because he almost had a near death experience and hates them.
  9. 19. this freshman is an athlete at THS you can find him on the baseball field anytime he’s not hanging out with his brother and his rabbit Harrold. When he’s done with practice he runs right home and grill a t-bone steak every night and he shares with sophie, they do everything together.
  10. 20. keep your eyes out for this senior you’ll see her again but she may be a cartoon, she has plans to create and animate a show about a little superhero girl who plays the violin and solves the world’s problems with her pet superhero chinchilla and her two cats oliver and luna.
  1. 1. this senior may cheer for THS but the team she really wants to cheer for is TEAM Edward from twilight , she likes vampires so much she wishes they’d createa new series where vampires are pregnant and she’s the ultrasound technician who can tell they are vampires from the sonograms.
  2. 2. this junior organized his room, so he has more space to relax and play video games, he likes the games but also plays just to chill to the soundtracks they create them with. He wants to become an electrician so he can rewire the bells at school to make them go off when he is ready for class to be done.
  3. 3. this sophomore loves playing on the computer but will take a break if his parents promise to take him out to eat salmon wherever he goes, he has plans to study linguistics but really wants to travel to Germany soon so hes going to see if they offer it there.
  4. 5. this senior eats a big bowl of spaghetti to carb up before her volleyball games and makes the kids she babysits practice with her so she can practice while she makes money. She wanted her and her sister to star in the next bachelorette show but she kicked her sisters tooth out
  5. 6. this artistic senior doesn’t have time to watch tv because when she’s not studying she’s either working or working on her French or calligraphy, she has plans to write a harry potter sequel where along with wizardry, harry and his team defies the villains with taekwondo
  6. 7. this organized sophomore is trying to find the perfect shade of peach to dye her hair next, her hockey coach wants her to dye it THS colors but she isn’t feelin it. she thinks that her different hair colors give her motivation to be healthier, workout and she thinks it will help her solve crimes later on in life.
  7. 10. when he’s not in school you can find this senior in Pontiac taking care of lawns, on the at football, baseball or basketball practice. He wants to be rich so he’s thinking he wants to try his luck on a game show that’s an easy way to make quick cash
  8. 11. this freshman is setting a good example at THS for his younger siblings by being a good student. If he could change one thing, he would like to be able to eliminate boring classes in school by having secret votes by the students like they do on Big Brother. He thinks if he was elected HOH he can strategize to get the other students to keep gym class and get rid of all the classes that assign homework.
  9. 12. this senior loves to draw and gets most of her inspirations from youtube and her dog Pearl. She wants to become a designer and her first goal is to design new uniforms for the THS band, she plays the clarinet and then maybe a new stadium for them to practice in.
  10. 14. when this friendly sophomore leaves school she has to go directly home makes a box of macaroni and cheese and takes care of her dogs, she dresses them up as vampires every Halloween. Her goal this year is to convince her cheer coach to let them come and cheer with her during football games she made them little cheer outfits over the summer.
  11. 17. this senior works hard in math class so he can count his money when he becomes a sport manager, then he will be able to buy all the cheese pizzas he wants.
  12. 21. this freshman is the manager of the THS Varisty football team when he’s not taking stats he’s just waiting for the chance to come onnnnn downnnn, he’s a numbers kinda guy and wants to win the price is right.