- 4. ABC stands for Active,_____, Clean
- 5. Inorganic lab deals with testing of heavy metals and other ionic compounds._________ is a surrogate parameter for conductivity that can tell if the salinity of water has increased.
- 9. Parent Agency of PUB is the ministry of ________and Environment.
- 11. From 1 April 2020, national water agency PUB will assume the additional role as the nations's________ Protection Agency.
- 12. PUB is the national water agency that manages Singapore's water supply,water catchment and_____ water.
- 15. PUB is a ______Board under the Ministry of Sustainability and Environment.
- 17. Four National Taps are local catchment water,_____ water, NEWater, desalinated water.
- 18. The labs are located in level two and _____.
- 19. Many times during ERP, Microbiology lab are called back after office hours to test for ATP, TC EC and HPC. HPC stands for heterotrophic _______ count and is representative of all bacteria that can grow on carbon source.
- 20. PUB's mission is to supply good water, reclaim used water and tame____ water.
- 21. ______Building is PUB's headquarters.
- 22. RWS stands for Raw Water ______.
- 1. How many divisions are there in WQD?
- 2. SVOC stands for Semi _____ Organic Compounds.
- 3. How many labs are there in WQD?
- 6. QA_______ deals with four key functions, Regulations, Auditing, Sampling
- 7. General lab handles hundreds of samples daily. Most samples require pH, Conductivity and Turbidity tests, which are automatically tested by ________ machine.
- 8. When algal counts are high, there is a possibility that high algal toxins are produced. These toxins can cause organ failure, cancer and death. Biology lab activates _______ tests to determine if the level of toxins are high.
- 10. The system that we use to apply Annual Leaves, sick leaves.
- 13. TDS stands for Treatment & ______ System.
- 14. In 2016, PUB logo refreshed its logo after the regulation of electricity and _______.
- 15. Water services,______ and drainage are the 3 swirls that represent 3 major functions of PUB.
- 16. In the future, the lab will be renamed to _____ lab and deal with testing for the emerging threat of viral infections spread through water.