ArtofCareer - Brain Tricks

  1. 1. To survive, we need to have a _____ mind-set.
  2. 2. Every day, our minds generate up to 80,000 ____.
  3. 5. My behaviour can influence the way I ________.
  4. 6. The only thing that is constant in the VUCA world is ___.
  5. 8. How many stages are there in a Grief Cycle?
  6. 9. Perception is not always _____.
  1. 1. The past is gone, the future is unsure but today is a _____.
  2. 2. In every situation, there are always ___ schools of thought.
  3. 3. Without this, a lobster cannot grow fast and bigger!
  4. 4. To resist changes is to have a ______ mind-set.
  5. 6. Life is full of it.
  6. 7. My behaviour is a reflection of how I ______.