HPER-P417 - Diabetes

  1. 3. hormone that promotes breakdown of liver glycogen
  2. 4. cells in the pancreas that produce and release insulin
  3. 8. elevated blood glucose levels
  4. 9. excessive thirst, can be a sign of diabetes
  5. 11. depressed blood glucose levels
  6. 14. diabetes in which the body has become resistant to the effects of insulin
  7. 15. complication of diabetes involving damage to the kidneys and surrounding vessels
  8. 16. (2words)group of metabolic disease characterized by elevated blood glucose
  9. 17. presence of glucose in the urine
  10. 18. abnormally large production of dilute urine, can be due to diabetes
  11. 19. (2words) high blood sugar often experienced by woman during pregnancy with no previous history of diabetes
  12. 20. characterized by impaired fasting glucose 101-124mg/dL
  13. 21. acidification of the blood due to ketones present in the blood stream
  14. 22. diabetes in which the pancreas produces little to no insulin
  1. 1. organ that secretes insulin, glucagon, and other digestive enzymes
  2. 2. hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood
  3. 5. cells in the pancreas that produce and release glucagon
  4. 6. common deep sore or lesion, complication of diabetes due to impaired ability to repair tissue
  5. 7. diabetes characterized by rapid shift from low to high or high to low blood glucose
  6. 10. excessive hunger, can be a sign of diabetes
  7. 12. damage to the retina of the eyes often cause by uncontrolled diabetes
  8. 13. (2words) numbness, loss of sensation, and sometimes pain in your feet, legs, or hands often as a result of diabetes