  1. 1. Theory of David McClelland
  2. 4. Needs The desire for self-respect and personal achievement
  3. 7. It is something that should not be ignored in motivating employees
  4. 9. Mental attitude which makes one perform his work
  5. 12. He is suggested the Hierarchy of Needs
  6. 13. Motivation theory that deals with effort, instrumentality and valence
  7. 16. Model Motivational theory by Clayton Alderfer
  8. 17. This theory is based on law and effect
  9. 18. One of the aspects of Job Characteristics
  1. 2. The desire for personal growth and to achieve potential
  2. 3. It represents as carrot in motivating a person
  3. 5. One among non-work related factors of influencing employee morale
  4. 6. Latin word that means to move
  5. 7. Willingness to exert high levels of effort
  6. 8. Theory of motivation presented by John Stacey Adam
  7. 10. Surname of the author of Goal Setting Theory
  8. 11. Theory that has motivators as that leads to job satisfaction
  9. 14. Approach that answers the question, "What motivates behavior?"
  10. 15. One of the major approaches to work motivation