HSE Class Review

  1. 3. prefix that means "self"
  2. 6. subatomic particle with a negative charge
  3. 7. what a gene makes
  4. 9. FDR's plan during the Great Depression
  5. 13. a political ideology that the U.S. fought to contain in the Cold War
  6. 15. no taxation without "[ ]"
  7. 16. coal oil and natural gas are known as "[ ] fuels"
  8. 18. after WWI, Germany violated the "[ ] of Versailles"
  9. 19. first ten amendments to the Constitution
  10. 21. animal that hunts another animal
  11. 23. sustainable resources are also known as "[ ]" resources
  12. 24. when a company has control of supply and/or trade of a particular good
  13. 26. the separation of people by race
  14. 29. the right to vote (hint: "women's [ ]")
  15. 30. the purpose of the three U.S. branches is to keep...
  16. 31. Hitler and Mussolini ran this type of government
  17. 32. president during the U.S. Civil War
  1. 1. a type of punctuation that may separate two independent clauses
  2. 2. territory acquired by the U.S. after the Spanish-American War
  3. 4. the process of a body finding balance or equilibrium
  4. 5. the process of an organism becoming accustomed or used to its environment
  5. 8. a duplication process performed by most of your cells
  6. 10. a court case that declared segregation of schools illegal was Brown versus Board of "[ ]"
  7. 11. a type of election where voters vote for a candidate to represent their party in a later election
  8. 12. direction that colonists expanded during the 20th century
  9. 14. natural disasters that occur often because of tectonic plate boundary activity
  10. 17. a major axis power in WWII
  11. 20. term for speed with a direction
  12. 22. period of time when the U.S. was rebuilding after the Civil War
  13. 25. Before entering WWI, the U.S. maintained the policy that it should remain...
  14. 27. gases on the far right column of the Periodic Table that rarely react with other elements
  15. 28. initials of famous Civil Rights Leader