HÜ - vocabulary (SB, p. 32-33)

  1. 3. / Oh, I'm ... (=leider) I'm not at home right now.
  2. 6. / The sheep were wet and really ....
  3. 7. / Jerem's dog fell into a river, and Jeremy had to help him to ... ....
  4. 8. / Molly couldn't wait. She had to ... fast.
  5. 9. / The sheep didn't die. Molly ... them.
  6. 10. / There wasn't much water - the river wasn't ....
  7. 12. / I understand why she was so worried about dogs ... the sheep.
  8. 13. / Sorry, we don't know ... about the dogs.
  9. 14. / Jeremy was very ... - he went into the river and saved his dog.
  1. 1. / She'll ... (=wahrscheinlich) be at school tomorrow.
  2. 2. / I can't talk now, I'm late for school. I'll ... you back, OK?
  3. 4. / not a long time ago
  4. 5. / John isn't at home. Can I ... ... ...?
  5. 10. / (to) die in the water
  6. 11. / Molly is John Taylor's ....
  7. 15. / She wasn't nice to me. She was really ....