- 2. Example of a muscle involved in elbow flexion.
- 4. Component of skeletal muscles that lines blood vessels.
- 5. Type of attachment where muscle belly attaches to the skeleton.
- 8. Principal muscle involved in any one joint movement.
- 9. Percentage of total body weight accounted for by skeletal muscles.
- 11. Opposite muscle to the prime mover.
- 12. One of the important roles of antagonistic muscles in muscle function.
- 13. Activated to flex the knee joint as an antagonistic muscle to the quadriceps femoris.
- 14. Component of skeletal muscles that transmit signals to and from the brain.
- 17. Surrounds each skeletal muscle as dense irregular connective tissue.
- 18. Example of an agonist muscle involved in knee extension.
- 20. Major component contained within the muscle belly.
- 21. Connective tissue found in minor components of skeletal muscles.
- 23. Component of skeletal muscles that includes arteries and veins.
- 25. Superficial and visible muscle of the calf with medial and lateral heads.
- 28. Connective tissue contained within tendons and/or aponeuroses.
- 1. Major component surrounding skeletal muscles.
- 3. The movable end of a muscle that attaches to the bone being pulled.
- 6. Muscle deep to the gastrocnemius.
- 7. Manner in which actions of skeletal muscles are covered, working from head to toes.
- 10. Fibrous connective tissues that attach muscle to bone.
- 12. Part of the muscle that contains skeletal muscle fibres.
- 15. Collective term for the calf muscles.
- 16. Muscles responsible for forming smiles, frowns, etc.
- 19. System used to name skeletal muscles.
- 22. Small muscle located on the medial side of the foot.
- 24. The fixed bone to which the muscle's attachment is located.
- 26. Approximate number of skeletal muscles in the human body.
- 27. Shares a common action, innervation, and blood supply.