- 4. Acid Byproduct of anaerobic respiration.
- 8. Processes occurring without oxygen.
- 11. Tubules Channels carrying signals into muscle fibers.
- 12. Muscle aiding the prime mover.
- 14. Reticulum Organelle storing calcium in muscle cells.
- 15. Mover Main muscle responsible for movement.
- 17. Fixed muscle attachment point.
- 18. Contraction Muscle contracts without changing length.
- 19. Junction Connection between a nerve and muscle.
- 1. Unit A motor neuron and its muscle fibers.
- 2. Breakdown of glucose for energy.
- 3. Tissue connecting muscle to bone.
- 5. Tetanus Sustained muscle contraction without relaxation.
- 6. Muscle attachment to a movable bone.
- 7. Connections between actin and myosin during contraction.
- 9. Oxygen-storing protein in muscles.
- 10. Basic unit of muscle contraction.
- 13. Actin and myosin filaments in muscles.
- 16. Contraction Muscle changes length under constant tension.