human anatomy

  1. 4. Acid Byproduct of anaerobic respiration.
  2. 8. Processes occurring without oxygen.
  3. 11. Tubules Channels carrying signals into muscle fibers.
  4. 12. Muscle aiding the prime mover.
  5. 14. Reticulum Organelle storing calcium in muscle cells.
  6. 15. Mover Main muscle responsible for movement.
  7. 17. Fixed muscle attachment point.
  8. 18. Contraction Muscle contracts without changing length.
  9. 19. Junction Connection between a nerve and muscle.
  1. 1. Unit A motor neuron and its muscle fibers.
  2. 2. Breakdown of glucose for energy.
  3. 3. Tissue connecting muscle to bone.
  4. 5. Tetanus Sustained muscle contraction without relaxation.
  5. 6. Muscle attachment to a movable bone.
  6. 7. Connections between actin and myosin during contraction.
  7. 9. Oxygen-storing protein in muscles.
  8. 10. Basic unit of muscle contraction.
  9. 13. Actin and myosin filaments in muscles.
  10. 16. Contraction Muscle changes length under constant tension.