- 3. flexible connective tissue found between joints
- 5. the largest vein in the body
- 6. a flap of cartilage which covers the windpipe when swallowing
- 10. the third and final part of the small intestine
- 12. the largest artery in the body
- 15. the external organ of hearing
- 16. the largest part of the brain, responsible for complex sensory and neural functions
- 17. the cavity behind the nose and the mouth
- 18. a lymph organ located in the chest
- 21. below the shoulder blade
- 1. external layer of membrane around the brain and spinal cord
- 2. two tapered folds between the left atrium and the left ventricle of the heart that regulate the flow of blood
- 4. a birthmark or mole on the skin
- 7. a cell fragment found in blood that helps with clotting
- 8. referring to organs located above the kidney which produce a variety of hormones and steroids
- 9. tailbone
- 11. the muscular tissue of the heart
- 13. the narrow passage at the lower end of the uterus
- 14. naval or belly button
- 18. the windpipe
- 19. breastbone
- 20. the first part of the small intestine