Human and Plant Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems

  1. 3. The tissue that sends signals from the brain to the rest of the body
  2. 4. Connects muscle to bone
  3. 5. What your skeleton in made of
  4. 6. Pumps blood
  5. 7. Small and Large absorb nutrients and other things out bodies need from food.
  6. 8. The tissue that has 3 types that are responsible for movement
  7. 15. The tissue in the middle of the leaf with a lot of chloroplast
  8. 16. Where the air you breath in goes to for gas exchange.
  9. 19. The tissue that protects the outside of the plant
  10. 21. Smallest blood vessels where gases and nutrients are exchange for the cells
  11. 22. Mechanically breaks down food and has saliva to start digestion
  12. 23. Has acid to break food down further
  13. 25. The tissue where growth happens
  14. 27. your wind pipe from nose to lungs
  15. 28. The tissue that makes up most of a plants stem
  1. 1. The tissue that makes up the bones, cartilage, and connects things together.
  2. 2. Blood vessels that are pressurized going away from the heart
  3. 9. Muscle tissue that creates pressure in arteries and helps move stuff in the intestines.
  4. 10. a tissue made up of the xylem and phloem
  5. 11. Vascular tissue around the xylem(both ways)
  6. 12. Blood without oxygen returning to the heart
  7. 13. Filters the air as you breath in
  8. 14. Connects mouth to the stomach
  9. 16. Connects bone to bone
  10. 17. Vascular tissue in the middle of the stem(up)
  11. 18. The tissue found on the outside of the body, organs, and hollow areas in the
  12. 20. Produce red blood cells and other parts of blood
  13. 23. Moves your skeleton and is type of muscle tissue
  14. 24. Muscle tissue your heart is made of
  15. 26. Muscle that flexes to take air in.