Human Body System

  1. 3. A pair of organs in the respiratory system located within the rib cage that takes in oxygen and passes it into the blood.
  2. 5. A body system that allows an organism to breathe. Its organs work together to get oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
  3. 6. A tissue that connects different bones. It helps the skeletal system maintain its structure and allows different parts of the body to move in limited directions.
  4. 8. A human body system that allows movement. One of its interactions is with the digestive system, allowing organs to shrink and push food through.
  5. 9. A body system that uses hormones to regulate the body’s activities. It is made up of different glands, such as the hypothalamus, thyroid, and thymus.
  6. 11. The ________ carries oxygenated blood from the heart to different tissues.
  7. 13. A kind of blood cell that fights off invaders. It’s part of the immune system but is distributed throughout the body by the circulatory system.
  8. 14. The _____ collects deoxygenated blood from different tissues to the heart.
  1. 1. An organ in the digestive system that takes in digested food from the stomach. There are two types of it; the small and the large.
  2. 2. An organ in the brain that helps the human body maintain homeostasis. It controls all of the other body systems.
  3. 4. It is part of the digestive system. It contains enzymes and acids that digest food before passing it down to the organism’s intestines.
  4. 7. The __________ system is the framework of the human body. It is formed by bones and tissues that connect them.
  5. 10. Cable-like fibers that directly connect the brain with the rest of the human body. They help you sense things and move.
  6. 12. A kind of blood cell that contains a protein called hemoglobin. It helps carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the organism’s body.