Human Body System Crossword

  1. 2. It is a major part of the respiratory system that allows oxygen into the body and detaches carbon dioxide.
  2. 6. This system protects the body from infection and well protecting cells.
  3. 9. This is a vital part of the circulatory system which pumps out blood throughout the body.
  4. 10. This is a major part of the digestive system and it where our food intake is stored.
  5. 12. This part is crucial to your whole body and is a major part of the circulatory system and is important for your intelligence, control and is known as the most complex part of the human body.
  6. 13. Cord This is a major part of the nervous system, it sends the message to your brain as it is connects your lower back to your brain.
  7. 14. This system allows for you to remove waste through your bodies.
  8. 15. It is a part of the respiratory system that is used to inhale and exhale.
  9. 16. This is a part of the circulatory system, it helps carry the blood away from the heart.
  10. 17. The biggest organ in the human body, it’s a part of the integumentary system.
  1. 1. This system provides the structure for your body in order for it to move. It is crucial to build our bodies.
  2. 3. system This system messages between the brain and the rest of the body to control movement, and helps with sensation and bodily functions.
  3. 4. It is a growing tissue used in the musculoskeletal system.
  4. 5. It's a system thyroid that create hormones that helps with the body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate etc. That is found in the front of the neck.
  5. 7. This system is used to distribute blood, oxygen, nutrients to cells and takes away waste in the body.
  6. 8. This system is detrimental to the human body because of the factor of inhaling oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  7. 11. This is a major part of the digestive system. There are 2 of them, on of them breaks down the food to a liquid and the other one produces the waste.