Human Body Systems

  1. 2. The technical name for the windpipe
  2. 6. The rings around the trachea and parts of the ear are made of this
  3. 9. dome-shaped muscle that moves up and down beneath your lungs
  4. 12. The air sacs in the lungs
  5. 14. place where urine is stored
  6. 15. The system involved in processing and obtaining nurtrients from food
  7. 16. cells that defend the body from infection
  8. 17. Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
  9. 19. The system involved in gas exchange (breathing)
  10. 22. organs found in the ribcage that are part of the respiratory system
  11. 23. Common respiratory condition caused by the narrowing of the bronchioles
  1. 1. also called the colon. About 1.5m long and involved in absorbing vitamines and water
  2. 3. the straw-coloured fluid that forms part of the blood
  3. 4. The system that carries oxygen and nutrients to cells and waste materital away from cells via the blood
  4. 5. small disc-like cells found in blood that oare involved with forming clots
  5. 7. cells that carry oxygen around the body
  6. 8. Blood vessels with walls 1 cell thick. This is where gas exchange happens in the blood
  7. 10. Animals with hooves and four chambers in their stomachs
  8. 11. The air passages that carry air in and out of the lungs
  9. 13. The system involved in filtering out waste and controlling contents of body fluids
  10. 18. bean shaped organs that filter waste from the blood
  11. 20. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  12. 21. the number of chambers in the heart