Human Body Systems

  1. 6. Basic unit of life. Different types include nerve cells (neurons) in the nervous system, red and white blood cells in the circulatory system, and muscle cells in the muscular system.
  2. 7. The system that regulates hormones. Includes glands like the thyroid and adrenal glands, which produce hormones.
  3. 8. The system that removes waste. Includes kidneys and bladder, with nephrons in the kidneys filtering blood.
  4. 11. The system that exchanges gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide). Includes the lungs and bronchi, with alveolar cells facilitating gas exchange.
  5. 12. The system that enables movement. Includes skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle, with muscle cells (myocytes) facilitating contraction.
  6. 13. The system that breaks down food into nutrients. Includes organs like the stomach and intestines, and cells like epithelial cells for absorption.
  7. 15. The system that defends against diseases. Includes white blood cells and lymph nodes, with lymphocytes fighting infections.
  1. 1. The system that transports blood and nutrients. Includes the heart and blood vessels, with red blood cells carrying oxygen and nutrients.
  2. 2. The system that provides support and protection. Includes bones and joints, with osteocytes maintaining bone tissue.
  3. 3. The system that sends and receives signals. Includes the brain and nerves, with neurons transmitting signals.
  4. 4. The system that produces offspring. Includes organs like the ovaries in females and testes in males, with gametes (sperm and egg cells) involved in reproduction.
  5. 5. A group of organs working together. Examples include the digestive system (breaks down food), respiratory system (gas exchange), and nervous system (signal transmission).
  6. 9. Structure composed of different tissues. Examples include the heart (circulatory system), lungs (respiratory system), and kidneys (excretory system).
  7. 10. The body's balance maintenance. All body systems work together to maintain homeostasis, such as temperature regulation and pH balance.
  8. 14. Group of similar cells. Examples include muscle tissue (movement), nervous tissue (signal transmission), and epithelial tissue (covers body surfaces).