Human Body Systems

  1. 3. The _____________, or windpipe, leads from the pharynx toward the lungs.
  2. 6. Which part of the nervous system links the peripheral nerves to the brain?
  3. 7. What is the name of the theory that describes how the muscle filaments shorten during contraction. _____filament theory
  4. 8. Includes the skin, digestive system, lungs, and kidneys
  5. 10. Which type of muscle is voluntary
  6. 11. Where does the blood enter as oxygen rich (high)?
  7. 15. Bones are made up of _____ and phosphorous
  8. 17. Bile is made in the liver and stored in the __________
  9. 18. The role of the respiratory system is to bring _______________ into the body.
  10. 19. Where does the blood go when it leaves the right ventricle?
  1. 1. Thick band of tissue that attaches muscle to bone
  2. 2. The movement of muscles that pushes food down the esophagus is called_____.
  3. 4. Moves the body and pumps blood throughout the body
  4. 5. The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. Most carry blood that has oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body
  5. 9. The brain and the spinal cord are apart of the
  6. 10. Most absorption of nutrients happens in the ____intestines
  7. 12. Part of the brain that coordinates balance and the contractions of your muscles
  8. 13. Which organ filters wastes out of the blood
  9. 14. Travels through blood vessels to deliver oxygen to cells and remove waste products
  10. 16. Where in the respiratory system does gas (air) exchange occur?
  11. 20. Sends signals, controls thoughts