human body systems

  1. 1. This system is responsible for creating new life.
  2. 3. This system defends your body against harmful invaders like viruses and bacteria.
  3. 6. This system breaks down the food you eat, extracting nutrients and energy.
  4. 8. This system produces hormones that regulate various bodily functions.
  5. 9. This system helps you breathe, taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
  6. 11. This system lets you move and helps your body stay strong.
  1. 2. This system includes your skin, protecting you from the outside world.
  2. 4. This system helps remove waste and extra materials from your body.
  3. 5. This system is like the body's transportation network, delivering nutrients and oxygen throughout your body.
  4. 7. This system controls your body and helps you sense and react to the world around you.
  5. 10. This system provides support and protection for your body, made up of bones.