Human Geo U3 Vocab

  1. 6. A permanent move to a location
  2. 8. When a migrant chooses to move
  3. 11. someone who is forced to emigrate because of violence and disasters
  4. 12. a change in the migration pattern in a society from social and economic changes
  5. 13. Limits on the amount of people that can immigrate to a country in a year
  6. 14. someone who emigrates to a country to be recognized as a refugee
  7. 15. A permanent move TO a location
  1. 1. someone who is a refugee but isn't moved out of country borders
  2. 2. When a migrant is forced to move
  3. 3. an obstacle that prevents someone from immigrating
  4. 4. a factor that pulls a person to place
  5. 5. difference between immigrants and migrants in a country
  6. 7. A permanent move from a location
  7. 9. transfer of money from migrant workers to their home
  8. 10. a factor that pushes people to immigrate