Human Geography

  1. 3. sub-discipline which studies the ways in which the environment and geography interact.
  2. 6. study of physical features of the surface of the Earth.
  3. 7. sub-discipline which specifically studies the movement of people and goods from place to place.
  4. 8. sub-discipline which specifically studies different areas of the world.
  5. 11. sub-discipline which studies cultures.
  6. 13. sub-discipline which specifically studies the ways in which animals and people interact in terms of geography.
  7. 15. the art and science of map-making.
  8. 16. sub-discipline which specifically studies the ways in which religion and geography interact.
  9. 17. the process of mapping and measuring the physical characteristics of an area using its reflected radiation or light which it emits.
  10. 18. the process of regulating the use of land, usually by some central authority.
  11. 21. the science of studying and improving relationships between ecological processes and particular ecosystems.
  12. 22. projecting a globe into maps.
  13. 23. sub-discipline which applies the concept of feminism to other geographic concepts.
  14. 25. atmospheric science, often as a means of predicting the weather.
  1. 1. sub-discipline which applies data and information to geography.
  2. 2. the study of the atmosphere and weather patterns over time.
  3. 4. sub-discipline which specifically studies the way money (in all its many forms) and geography interact.
  4. 5. sub-discipline which studies geography in the past.
  5. 9. sub-discipline which concerns boundaries and the possessions of countries and subdivisions of countries.
  6. 10. describes the way in which the ways in which people and natural landscapes interact, are controlled, and are measured.
  7. 12. sub-discipline which specifically studies the geography of cities and processes within cities.
  8. 14. the study of ice and glaciers in any given environment.
  9. 19. the study of oceans and everything in them.
  10. 20. the study of water.
  11. 24. refers to techniques which study different entities and modeling spatial data features.