Human Nutrition

  1. 2. premolar & molar teeth are use to ___ food
  2. 4. due to lack of vitamin C
  3. 5. the hardest substance in human body
  4. 8. movement of foods in oesophagus
  5. 11. lack of fiber
  6. 12. enzyme in the stomach
  7. 13. egestion, absorption, assimilation, ingestion
  8. 14. to tear meat
  9. 15. iron is needed to make __
  10. 17. first set of teeth
  11. 18. one of the products of excess of amino acids
  12. 20. Bile is produced by ___
  1. 1. bile duct to __ bile
  2. 3. vitamin D is needed to prevent ___ (soft bone disease)
  3. 6. excess of glucose will be stored as ___
  4. 7. main source of energy
  5. 8. meat, eggs, beans, soy
  6. 9. amylase breakdown starch into __
  7. 10. breakdown of fats
  8. 14. responsible to absorb water
  9. 16. overweight
  10. 19. tooth decay is caused by ___ (bacteria + sugar)