human respiratory system

  1. 5. it is a pipe-like structure that directs air towards the lungs and out of the lungs (7)
  2. 6. it provides a passage to the air , so air can move towards the trachea (7)
  3. 7. movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration (7)
  4. 10. part of breathing where the air is taken into the lungs (10)
  5. 11. tiny openings on the sides of an insect's body (9)
  6. 13. it is located between the trachea and pharynx (6)
  7. 15. muscles present in between ribs (18)
  8. 16. tiny air sacs in the lungs (7)
  9. 17. breaking down of glucose in presence of oxygen to release carbon dioxide and energy (11)
  1. 1. thin tubes in the body that carry blood (16)
  2. 2. muscle that sits at the base of the chest and separates the abdomen from the chest (9)
  3. 3. the trachea branches into bronchi and then into _________ that go into the lungs (11)
  4. 4. network of tube-like structures (trachea) that carry air into an insect's body (14)
  5. 8. part of breathing where air is drawn out of the lungs (10)
  6. 9. that carries air in and out of the body (4)
  7. 12. organs that help many aquatic animals such as fish to breathe (5)
  8. 14. these are air bag-like structures that help to take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood (5)