Human Rights

  1. 1. I am a _______ just like you
  2. 3. The ___ is the same for everyone
  3. 6. Your human rights are __________ by law
  4. 8. To live in ________ and safety
  5. 10. We're all innocent until proven ______
  6. 11. These rights belong to _________
  7. 13. You have _____ no matter where you go
  1. 2. Nobody has any right to make us a _____
  2. 4. Nobody has any right to ____ us
  3. 5. The right to seek a ____ place to live
  4. 7. Nobody has the right to send us away from our _______
  5. 9. We all have the right to make up our _____
  6. 12. We are all born free and _____