Human Rights Education

  1. 4. - Early release from prison under certain conditions.
  2. 5. Aforethought - The intent to cause harm or commit a crime.
  3. 7. Defender - An attorney appointed by the court to represent defendants who cannot afford to hire their own lawyer.
  4. 8. to Quash - A request to nullify or invalidate a legal proceeding or document.
  5. 9. - The questioning of a witness by the opposing party during trial.
  6. 11. - The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to overthrow the government.
  7. 12. - Monetary compensation awarded to a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit for losses or injuries suffered.
  8. 13. - A request for a higher court to review and reconsider a decision made by a lower court.
  9. 15. Doubt - The standard of proof in criminal cases, requiring jurors to be convinced of the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
  10. 17. - The tendency of a convicted criminal to re-offend.
  11. 19. Evidence - Scientific evidence used in criminal investigations or court proceedings.
  12. 21. Contendere - A plea in which the defendant neither admits nor denies the charges but accepts punishment as if guilty.
  13. 23. Welfare - The protection and support of individuals who have been harmed or injured by a crime.
  14. 27. Cause - Reasonable grounds for suspicion, supported by facts and circumstances, that a crime has been or is being committed.
  15. 31. - A formal legal document that initiates a lawsuit by alleging facts constituting the plaintiff's cause of action.
  16. 32. - The crime of lying under oath.
  17. 35. - The reduction of a sentence, usually by a government authority.
  18. 37. - The legal right to protect oneself or others from harm using reasonable force.
  19. 38. - The act of taking a person into custody by legal authority, usually law enforcement officers.
  20. 41. - The process of charging a public official with misconduct in office.
  21. 43. Bargain - Negotiated agreement between the prosecution and defense in which the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a reduced sentence.
  22. 46. Rule - The principle that evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in court.
  23. 47. - The act of seeking revenge or reprisal against someone for an injury or offense.
  24. 51. - The formal reading of criminal charges to the defendant in court, to which they must plead guilty or not guilty.
  25. 52. Post Facto Law - A law that retroactively changes the legal consequences of actions that were committed before the enactment of the law.
  26. 53. of Attainder - A legislative act declaring a person or group guilty of a crime without trial.
  27. 54. - A period of supervision ordered by the court instead of incarceration.
  28. 55. Action - Legal proceedings initiated by one party against another for non-criminal matters.
  29. 57. Conviction - The conviction of an innocent person for a crime they did not commit.
  30. 58. - Money or property deposited with the court to ensure the release of a defendant from custody before trial.
  31. 62. Confession - An admission of guilt made willingly and without coercion.
  32. 63. - A minor criminal offense typically punishable by fines or imprisonment for less than one year.
  33. 67. Offenses - Crimes that are incomplete or in the planning stages.
  34. 68. and Seizure - The process by which law enforcement officials search for and confiscate evidence or property.
  35. 70. - Legal strategies and arguments presented on behalf of the accused in court.
  36. 74. - A formal criminal charge made by a prosecutor without the need for a grand jury indictment.
  37. 75. Included Offense - A crime whose elements are contained within a more serious crime.
  38. 76. Reus. - The physical act or conduct that constitutes a criminal offense.
  39. 79. - The legal capacity of an individual to understand court proceedings and assist in their defense.
  40. 81. Defense - A defense in which the accused claims they were unable to understand the nature of their actions due to mental illness.
  41. 85. - Failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in similar circumstances.
  42. 86. Law - A law that applies to events that occurred before its enactment.
  43. 87. Evidence - Evidence that tends to clear a defendant of guilt or blame.
  44. 88. and Abetting - Assisting, encouraging, or facilitating the commission of a crime by another person.
  45. 90. - The decision reached by a judge or jury at the conclusion of a trial.
  46. 92. - A statement made by a person admitting to the commission of a crime.
  47. 93. - A court order requiring a person to do or refrain from doing a specific act.
  48. 94. Investigation - Questioning of a suspect in custody by law enforcement officers.
  49. 95. - A serious crime typically punishable by imprisonment for more than one year.
  50. 96. - A legal document issued by a judge authorizing law enforcement to perform a specific action, such as a search or arrest.
  51. 97. - An agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act.
  52. 98. - A legal judgment that a person is not guilty of the charges brought against them.
  1. 1. - A trial that ends without a verdict due to a procedural error or hung jury.
  2. 2. - Actions or words that incite or instigate another person to commit a crime.
  3. 3. Corpus - A legal action that requires a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court.
  4. 6. - A person who has information about a case and is called to testify in court.
  5. 7. - The party responsible for bringing criminal charges against a defendant.
  6. 10. - The person against whom a lawsuit or criminal charge is brought.
  7. 14. - The punishment imposed on a defendant after conviction for a crime.
  8. 16. Evidence - Evidence that is allowed to be presented in court during trial.
  9. 18. - A formal declaration of guilt by a court of law.
  10. 20. Judgment - A decision made by a court without a full trial when there is no genuine dispute as to the material facts of the case.
  11. 22. - To send a case back to a lower court or other authority for further action.
  12. 24. - Oral evidence given by a witness under oath in court.
  13. 25. Circumstances - Factors that increase the severity or culpability of a criminal offense, such as premeditation or cruelty.
  14. 26. of Limitations - The time limit within which legal action must be taken for a particular offense.
  15. 28. - A legal document requiring a person to appear in court or to produce evidence.
  16. 29. - A formal examination of evidence before a judge or jury to determine guilt or innocence.
  17. 30. - The theory or philosophy of law.
  18. 33. Witness - A person with specialized knowledge who is allowed to testify at trial about matters within their expertise.
  19. 34. Delicti - The body of the crime; the facts and circumstances constituting a criminal offense.
  20. 36. - The process of restoring a person to a functional and law-abiding life after conviction and incarceration.
  21. 38. - A defense claiming that the accused was elsewhere at the time the crime was committed.
  22. 39. - A person who assists or contributes to the commission of a crime, but is not present during its execution.
  23. 40. - The voluntary relinquishment or surrender of a legal right or privilege.
  24. 42. - The unlawful killing of another person without malice aforethought.
  25. 44. Intent - The mental state or purpose to commit a crime.
  26. 45. - Out-of-court statements offered in court to prove the truth of the matter asserted.
  27. 48. - A written statement made under oath, usually sworn before a notary public or other authorized official.
  28. 49. Felonies - Crimes where the criminal intent is present, but the felony is not completed due to external factors.
  29. 50. Circumstances - Factors that may reduce the severity of a criminal offense or the punishment imposed.
  30. 56. Jeopardy - The constitutional prohibition against being tried twice for the same offense.
  31. 59. - A formal written accusation charging someone with a crime.
  32. 60. Procedure - The rules and processes followed in criminal cases from investigation through trial and appeal.
  33. 61. Law - A law that operates only in the future and does not apply retroactively.
  34. 64. - Inducing a person to commit a crime they would not have otherwise committed.
  35. 65. - A person formally charged with a crime.
  36. 66. - Compensation paid to a victim
  37. 69. - A formal written order issued by a court directing a specific action to be taken.
  38. 71. Rights -Fundamental rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled.
  39. 72. - A person who knowingly and voluntarily participates in the commission of a crime as a partner or accomplice.
  40. 73. -A legal decision or principle established by previous court rulings that serves as a guide for future cases.
  41. 77. Law - Law based on previous court decisions and interpretations.
  42. 78. Delinquency - Criminal behavior by minors.
  43. 80. Service - Court-ordered unpaid work performed by an offender for the benefit of the community.
  44. 82. Investigation - The initial inquiry conducted by law enforcement to determine whether there is enough evidence to file formal charges.
  45. 83. - To exclude evidence from consideration in a legal proceeding, typically due to it being obtained illegally.
  46. 84. Process - The legal requirement that government must respect all legal rights of individuals.
  47. 89. Rights - Constitutional rights that must be read to a suspect before custodial interrogation.
  48. 91. Examination - Questioning of a witness by the party who called them to testify.