human rights- yr 7 catholic studies-tora

  1. 2. we all have the rights to make up our own minds
  2. 4. we are all born free and ______
  3. 7. these rights belong to everybody
  4. 9. the right to seek a _____ place to live
  5. 10. we're always ______ till proven guilty
  6. 12. we all have the right to go where we want
  7. 15. nobody has any right to make us a
  8. 16. _____ and family
  9. 19. your human rights are protected by ____
  10. 20. we all have the right to rest
  1. 1. no unfair _____
  2. 3. nobody should try ti harm our good
  3. 5. food and _______ for all
  4. 6. the right to
  5. 8. we all have the right to belong to a country
  6. 11. nobody has any right to hurt us
  7. 13. we all have the right to take part
  8. 14. every grown up has the right to do a job
  9. 17. cyrus the ____ free the slaves?
  10. 18. we're all _____ before the law