Human Skeleton

  1. 2. The common name of the joint between lower arm and hand.
  2. 4. The small bones that form the backbone.
  3. 7. The name for where bones meet.
  4. 10. Strongest bone in the body.
  5. 11. ....... can have over 300 vertebrae with a rib attached to each one.
  6. 12. An internal skeleton
  7. 15. cranium is also known as the .......
  8. 16. Which important organ does the skull protect?
  9. 18. Medical name for the shoulder blade.
  10. 19. Our skeleton allows us to do this.
  1. 1. Also known as shinbone
  2. 3. Another name for hip bone.
  3. 5. An animal that is both endoskeleton and exoskeleton
  4. 6. External skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body.
  5. 8. Bones are very hard and ..........
  6. 9. Medical name for the knee bone.
  7. 11. Our skeletons ....... our bodies from the inside.
  8. 13. The skeleton is made up of many of these.
  9. 14. Bones which protect the heart and lungs.
  10. 17. The common name of the joint between the upper and lower arm.