- 5. Chamber of the heart with the thickest walls
- 8. The atrioventricular valves found at the right side of the heart
- 13. Device used to measure pulse
- 14. Blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart
- 15. Blood vessels responsible for delivering oxygen to body tissues on a cellular level
- 16. Fragments of cells that assist in blood clotting
- 17. Stage of a heart beat when heart muscles contract
- 1. White blood cell with a large, round nucleus
- 2. A small branch of an artery leading into capillaries
- 3. Circulation where blood passes through the heart twice in one circuit
- 4. A pair of valves consisting of three cusps that prevents the flow of blood back into the heart
- 6. Cells in the blood that transport oxygen
- 7. Blood vessel that transports oxygenated blood to the heart
- 9. The expansion and contraction of the artery caused by the ejection of blood from the left side of the heart
- 10. White blood cell with a lobed nucleus
- 11. Stage of the cardiac cycle when heart muscles relax
- 12. Small veins that branch out from capillaries